miércoles, 4 de diciembre de 2013

Bryan Reno
Director of MTV station
908 Orange Street, Stamford CT
26 November 2013

Dear sir,
I watched with my sister the new cartoon of MTV, we enjoyed it a lot but in a few days I had many problems with my sister, such as: Discusions, violence and shouts.

My sister is very passive but when she watches this TV program she transforms a lot.

I think that it is because of the cartoon, that is very violent and my sister is obsessed with this TV program which has a piece of violence in all the scenes.

The program is for adults, I know, but it is not broadcast at adult time. So I recommend to change the hour of this program, so that my sister does not watch it. I really want that this request is agreed because this caused me very much problems in my job and in my house.

I will be very proud if this request is agreed

 Yours Faithfully
Agustin Bianchetti Gonzalez

jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

caption: the younger kids are focusing more on their planning problem solving while they are playing the game , while adolecents are focusing less on their strategizing and more on the here and now

what I learnt: the children thinks more on the future of the game and the adolecents more on the present

supportive 1: younger children seem more interested in short term goals compared to older ones

suportive : older children show better performance when instructed to adopt an evaluative goal

opinion: The younger children had more interest to planning the problem to solve it with an strategy, I think thats why they are younger and they don´t have many experience, but the older ones are more interested in simply playing the game and don´t worry of the strategy problem.
I think that in fact this is a real study with very good points of view of the psychologist.

3 ideas:
-the younger kids thinks more on the future, when the older more on the present
-It is a study of the Fordham university and the psychologist Fran Blumberg
-Other studies involving students showed that those who played more entertainment games did poorer in school and were at greater risk for obesity.

martes, 29 de octubre de 2013


The tatoos in the world are very discriminated, sometimes the owner of this tatoos do it for necessity or for art motives. In this narrative I will show you the diferent opinions of persons that have interest in this art.
Moreover I will explain you the diferent types of tatoos in the world.

Now we will look and analyse the opinions of these people interested in the topic. For example: Its all about expression.   Tattoos are a form of expression. Sure, some people can be criminals. But look in prisons. I bet that at least half of the people don't have tattoos, yet we associate tattoos with people of crimes. Yet, there are a lot of really nice people that have many tattoos. Society needs to change. 

jueves, 24 de octubre de 2013

One side:

Its all about expression.

Tattoos are a form of expression. Sure, some people can be criminals. But look in prisons. I bet that at least half of the people don't have tattoos, yet we associate tattoos with people of crimes. Yet, there are a lot of really nice people that have many tattoos. Society needs to change.

They are ugly!

Years ago when I decided I wanted to display a symbol that is near and dear to my heart, I had a ring made with that logo that could be removed anytime I wish. Whenever I see someone with tattoos I feel sorry for them. I hate it whenever I get dirt under my fingernais and can't wait to wash it off. Wouldn't imagine what it would be like having tattoo that would never wash away.

It's an identity

Tattoos are non-verbal statements. It is an expression of who the wearer is, what they've experienced, and what they believe in. It is significant memories and are displayed simply as art. Those who have tattoos are more open minded, tolerant, and accepting. They are also more comfortable with who they are as an individual in an ever changing world.

The difference between

The single difference between those people that are tattooed and those that are not tattooed is that people with tattoos(like me) do not care if a person DOES or DOESNT have tattoos.Tattoos are not all about fashion they are about self expression and making a statement or a memorial image of a particular time in your life good/bad that was a deilfinitive moment in time

Other side

Tattoos are quite popular among today's youth.

Tattoos are more popular and acceptable then ever in the United States of America currently, especially among the youth. Non-offensive tattoos no longer always prevent a person from employment, even at prestigious jobs or jobs that interact with the public. Celebrities are often tattooed. Also it is much safer to get a tattoo nowadays without have to associate oneself with the "other side of the tracks".

Tattoos have gained acceptability.

Years ago wearing a tattoo was a sign of rebelliousness. It was definitely not something accepted in decent society and had a negative image. Getting a tattoo has become in vogue in recent years and so many people have gotten tattoos that it is now more acceptable. It no longer holds the negative stereotype that it once had. It has become an acceptable way of expressing oneself.

I oppose the idea that tattoos are still negatively stereotyped in the US

It used to be that people with tattoos were stereotyped as punks, troublemakers, degenerates etc. But these days, tattoos has become common in fashion and we can see any common boy or girl with a tattoo anywhere on their bodies. I do not believe that tattoos are negatively stereotyped.

Tattoos have a place.

If people want to wear tattoos it's fine, but don't expect to get a high paying job wearing them. Now if you're in entertainment or self employed maybe, but a job not. I would not hire anyone who had tattoos from head to toe and all over your neck and face. Now if you have a little heart or something on your leg, or something, that's different. I am talking about the ones just all over your body.

martes, 6 de agosto de 2013


Questions and answers interview

1) Tell me about yourself…
A) I considered myself as a person that like very much to talk with people, especially friends. I also like the events of many types and the concerts. 

2) What are the things that you most like to do?
A) I like to watch movies, events (concerts, entertainment, or sports), to play soccer, to swim and to have fun.  Also I like to be part of these events.

3) What is your greatest strength and your greatest weakness?
A) I think that one of my greatest strength is that I am very Inspiring. But I have a weakness that I am Loose tongue, sometimes I said things that I never should said.

4) Why do you want to work here?
A) As I told, I like very much the events and to be part of these, it will be very funny if  I could be part of these events, concerts etc...

5) You see yourself on this position?
A)  Yes I do, I think that I can do this work very well and very enthusiastic, because I like this types of works. I will be very happy.

In what days do you have this events or concerts?

lunes, 29 de julio de 2013


Mr Jorge Fernandez

Viña del Mar

EVENTS-JJ enterprises.

1304 Libertad av.

Dear sir,

I am writing this letter to apply for an event venue position. I know that this company is very prestigious and very good. I want to be a receptionist, assistant, helper etc... for a concert or an event.

I  can talk to the people like a receptionist of the concert, selling tickets or even help in the production of the event. I am very interested in this place because I like talking to people very much and I also love the concerts or events.

I am avaliable from Tuesday to Saturday at every hour to meet you for an interview. Please call me to 978524224. I am very glad and grateful for your attention and comprehension.

Agustin Bianchetti
131 las perdices Reñaca                             agu.bianchetti@hotmail.com
131, Las Perdices, Reñaca, Viña del Mar

Objective: To work in a part-time job to earn money and experience.

Studies: The Mackay School, Viña del Mar (2003-2013)

Activities: Concert/Event Venue

Interests: Films, Wrestling, Tennis, Swimming, Football, Theatre

Skills: Comunicative skills, Sports skills

Achievements: Trinity Examination (2008), Trinity Examination (2012) Merit and Distinction

lunes, 10 de junio de 2013


In this section I will compare the depression in a traditional point of view and the depression in the alternative view.
The depression may cause: Sadness, loss of energy, lack of interest in some activities, anxiety, aggression, bipolar disorder and much more.

Second, when you try the medicine in the alternative mode, you can take recommendations like take caffeine in very large portions, and more psichology treatments, I don´t recommend use this steps because the most of the times do not work. Even sometimes this medicines can bring to you some cold or much more, another disease.

By the way when you try with traditional medicine you feel better and is more effective.
Also when you are in treatment, the doctor will help you and advise you when and how you have to take the medicines and when not.

I think that traditional medicine is more secure and more effective for your help. Also the traditional medicine can save your life when you re in problems like the depression or any other body disorder.

martes, 4 de junio de 2013


1) The characteristics of this illness are: you start with feeling sad and you think that all is bad and nothing you mind you can start thinking different  your behaviour is very difficult to contain because these going thought a bad moment in your life you start with the suicidal thinking and this is when you think in the death and can you die for this think because you can kill some friends or yourself so this need a good and delicate therapy.

2) Serotonin has a lot of function in the human body, but the main idea of the serotonin is to send message to specific parts from the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays an intricate role in the way a person eats, sleeps and behaves. When the level of serotonin in the brain is changed, a persons behaviour will also be altered. At times, the events in our lives will take a toll on serotonin levels, so when a person becomes sad, the body will start to use more serotonin to promote happy feelings.

3) Most of the persons that have depression feel sad, lonely, or depressed at times. And feeling depressed is a normal reaction to loss, life's struggles, or an injured self-esteem. But when these feelings become overwhelming and last for long periods of time, they can keep you from leading a normal, active life. That's when it's time to see a doctor for ask him help to control this situation to be a normal person again.

4) The first step of a treatment in the depression is an medic exam, there is a physic exam, a interview with the patient, a lab analysis and maybe a physiology analysis. The psychiatrist  can resets drugs depending in the symptom of the patient.
There are many antidepressant medications, this includes the inhibitors of SSRI: In this type of medication are the CITALOPRAM, ESCITALOPRAM, FLOUXETIN, PAROXETIN AND SERTRALIN. In this type of drugs you will have for two weeks problems to sleep, anxiety, fatigue etc... The most of the people feelbetter in 6 weeks after the treatment.
Also there are alternative medicine for the depression like some flowers, fruits or chocolate.
The Pros of of a therapy of depression are: Better Sleep, a better love life,  better memory, in conclusion  a better lifestyle .
The Cons of this are a very variety of secondary effects like nausea, insomnia, dizziness, fatigue or migraine.

5) The possibilities of recovery are much but depends of you because you need to stay good mental and psychologic.The client have a lot of possibilities like therapies and remedies to help you and your family also if your situation is bad but very bad the doctor can get you a clinic to help for your health.
They are different types of doctors like psychologists or therapists but the objets of the doctor is to help so don't worry but be intelligent selecting the type of medicine.

6) The patient can take different medicine like syrups or take pills and can do  psychological treatments
or therapies with psychologists other way is talking with people that is with depression too,if the problem is very difficult to treat the medic recommend pills very stronger and the way that the person think that is good is the drug or simply the death but this is a terminal case the doctor have a lot of theories to stop this depression.

7) The costs of this depend on the seriousness and the pills that you need the therapies and the syrups some pills are from others countries and is difficult get it because is very expensive.Other cost is the mental cost because the repercussion can e difficult to improve and leave behind also is difficult to treat.Other cost is the fisical cost  because you can die for the depression or with serious problems to your health because you can do thinks that you never minded.

8) Chile is one of the countries with more depression in the world, the chilean health its a mixture of private-public system, the public system provides the 70% of the population.
Not as USA that the health system is for all the same so there are more facilities to the people.
But in both countries are the medications appropriates to recovery.
Both countries have their specific programs of health and professional medicine with their specific programs, remedies, psychotherapies and brain stimulation therapies.(only 6 lines)

9.One testimonies of the clients is the testimonie of Paulo Garcia he said: "this is one f the best clinic of traditional medicine because have a very good attention the have one of the best tecnologies that have chile and they have a cost very economic and wit a very good issures to your safety life and have a certified doctors to a best attention and is a safety and clean clinic .I think that is a good clinic to you and to your family. 

jueves, 16 de mayo de 2013


What are the origins of this drug? The crack comes of the cocaine and the cocaine comes of the tree of coca, which is ground in south america (colombia, peru, bolivia).
The dealers wanted to make a different drug more volatile more addict and better, so they make the crack adding quimics and elements to the cocaine.
What effects does this drug produce on people? The people that consume crack have intense depression, edginess and a craving for more of the drug. Also they can experience greatly increased heart rate, muscle spasms and convulsions. The drug can make people feel paranoid, angry, hostile and anxious, even when they aren’t high.

What are the consequences of its addiction? This drug is very dangerous and very addictive, when the use of crack is very addict, this one can die. Crack cocaine is more addictive that cocaine and also more dangerous. This drugcauses incresed heartbeat, elevated blood, pressure and a rise in body temperature.

How does this drug affect a person’s body and mind? As we already said this drug is very addicted, even more than cocaine and can cause the death by a hearth attack. Mentally the crack user comes paranoid, defensive and confuse and he may suffer hallucinations.
Also the users of this drug can feel; Nausea, psychosis, hyperactivity, anxiety, stroke and much more... 


martes, 14 de mayo de 2013

a) What is the biggest problem a drug addict may face?

The biggest problem is that the addict believes this is your problem. Therefore you must need the assistance of an interventionist.

b) Why does the interventionist need the assistance of the addict’s family and friends?

To plan the best approach to handle the case, based in his history of use

c) What is the important thing in an addict’s life?

The only thing that matters in their life is getting the drug and consume it, legal and health problems are not considered.

lunes, 13 de mayo de 2013


I will explain to you about alternative and conventional medicine: the alternative is the medicine like the things that you don´t find in the drugstore a lot, generally these are things that you find in your house.
And the conventional is the medicine that the doctor prescribes you and you find in the drugstores

The alternative medicine is when you consume for example: hunny and not a studied medicine for the throat, there is a lot of alternative medicine in the world and is selling a lot.

On the other hand, we have the conventional medicine that is the medicine that I prefer, it is very studied by the professionals, but is more expensive than the alternative medicine.
All doctors, or most of them prefer to consume conventional medicine.

In addition, about this we asked doctor Gonzalez what type of medicine he prefers: "Either types of medicine are not very proved but the conventional is more, so I prefer this one"
Personally, I think the same as doctor Gonzalez because the alternative medicine is not proved at all, and the conventional is much secure than the alternative.

Therefore, it is a battle of medicine and doctors who are investigating what medicine is best, personally I think that conventional is better, but alternative is not at all bad.


domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013


Marlow was thinking of mr Kurtz, with different topics, but one of this topics was lie, (mr kurtz detested lying). Marlow knew that Kurtz detested the word lie.

At the end of the chapter they are building a station and there arrived a man in a donkey.

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013


Marlow was waiting in a station in Africa or 12 days to see Mr Kurtz. Then Marlow travelled in a 60 men caravan, at the 15 day of traveling he arrived into the central station.
Marlow s boss was waiting there, and he began to speak to Marlow andto explain the things that he have to do in his mission.

lunes, 29 de abril de 2013

1)How to play Texas Holdem Poker, is a type of poker very funny and is the most known around the world.

2)This guideline is basically for beginners but also it can be for more advanced players.

3)This guideline is to how play a very known type of poker, I will explain I different steps how to learn it.


a)Some rules of the poker

b)The importance of the hand







i)How to win



5) I think that the glossary will explain in the 3rd part.

6) Yes, I did it

7) In section A, I will put the basics rules of the poker like how to do the different things like bet, check etc

In section B
I will said how to see your hand, if your hand is good or bad.

In section C
I will teach how to bet in the poker, if is convenient to do it or not

In section D
I will said when, how and why you have to check in some parts of the game

In section E
I will define what is the term call

In section F
I said what is raise and what is the difference with bet

In section G
I will explain when you have to fold

In section H
I will define buttons

In section I
I will said some ways to win in this game

In section J
I will teach how to bluff and when

In section K
I will said you some cheats to win.






lunes, 15 de abril de 2013


How to Play Playstation.

-You will need a playstation, a game compatible with playstation and a control of playstation.

 -First you must turn on the Playstation.

-Afterwords you must bring out your game.

-Then you have to put your game into the console.

-Next you should turn on the control

-To play playstation you have to press the X button

-Finally you can play playstation!

lunes, 25 de marzo de 2013

Imperialism is when one country tries to enforce its will on another country, being economically, socially, or militarily.
 Is a proces of the powerfull groupsto extend their power.
Example: Great Britain and France with Africa.

 France colonized Algeria and a part of Sudafrica.
Great Britain took possession of a part of sudafrica and diferent countries of Africa.
The africans sufered a lot because the great countries took posession of their countries.

  I think that imperialism is fair because the powerfull forces(they eraned that right) colonized smaller forces to have more power. 
The imperialism was also about the prestige of the powerfull forces, the force that had more prestige wins. 


1) Producing a collection of the most colourfull phrases

2) Because now they hae work and being noticed by the rest of the world

3) Air dashin

4) A good english person can transform lives to the improvise

5) I am well here and I hope you tell the same